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Howzat For Getting Kids Active

Story: Jodie Woodward
Published On : Jul 27, 2020
Howzat  for Getting Kids Active
Getting kids back to an active lifestyle after lockdown is the main goal for cricket coach Saurabh Kumar.

Saurabh said children have recently been spending more time sitting with technology, without a way to burn off their energy. So, he has designed a holistic program for young cricketers, which incorporates physical, mental and emotional fitness, as well as setting goals and improving technical skills.

I want to contribute to the community and be a coach that kids and parents can easily approach, Saurabh said. I want to help children grow in sports and make skills part of their life.

Running professional, online and small group coaching programs throughout the year, Saurabh is currently offering free introductory sessions. A paid 12-week program follows, which runs during school terms, as well as the option for school holiday programs. Saurabh said it's a system for continuous development rather than just going to the nets and hitting the balls.

Cricket is a team sport, and as in all other team sports, it's a lot of fun and helps in developing social skills, endurance, stamina, balance and coordination, he said.

An avid cricketer for over 20 years, Saurabh said being a father and coaching his own son had guided him towards a coaching career. His own love and experience for the game was also a driving factor for wanting to get kids involved in the sport. He had been given the opportunity to play with some great coaches and players over the years and was aware of the impact these opportunities have had on his life.

I am still in contact with my coaches and owe them a lot, he said. They always emphasised how important it was to look after my body and make good choices.

Saurabh believes cricket not only helps to keep kids moving, but it can also provide valuable life skills.

While playing cricket you don't give in and you persevere, he said. It teaches you how to be patient and focus and concentrate for long periods of time until the situation becomes favourable.

For more information or to book your free coaching sessions visit